2024 Challenge Xiamen Ultra Triathlon (51.5km+113km)
一、Olympic distance(51.5km)
(1) Starting and finishing areas
1. Starting areas: the beach directly opposite the fountain square of Meifeng Sports Park, Huandong Romantic Coastal Line ;
2. End areas: Fountain Square, Meifeng Sports Park,Huandong Romantic Coastal Line .
(2) Swimming stage route
The swimming course is 1.5 kilometers long, starting from the beach opposite the fountain square of the Meifeng Sports Park in the Huandong Romantic Coastal Line, marching 375 meters to the sea first, turning left after the turning point to return to the turning area before the starting point, swimming 2 laps in total, a total mileage of 1.5kilometers. The track is approximately a "one" shape track, and after landing, run across the lawn to the transition area.
(3) Bicycle stage route
The bicycle course is 40 kilometers long. After completing the swimming stage and passing through the transition area, the athletes will ride 10 kilometers north along the sea side to the return area of the 18 Wang Cultural Park. After turning back, they will return to the turning area at the front of the changing area along the Binhai West Avenue. One lap mileage is 20 km, need to ride 2 laps. There are two supply stations in the bicycle track, which are located at the return of the 18 Kings Culture Park and the return of the Bauhinia Night Running Park.
(4) Route of running stage
The running track is 10 kilometers long. After finishing the cycling stage and passing through the transition area, the athletes run 2.5 km south along the sea-side track to the mangrove trestle road, and then return to the return area near the finish line. One lap mileage of 5 km, run 2 laps,a total of 10 kilometers.The running track is equipped with 2 resupply stations, which are about 1-1.5 km apart.
二、Middle distance(113km)
(1) Starting and finishing areas
1. Starting areas: the beach directly opposite the fountain square of Meifeng Sports Park, Huandong Romantic Coastal Line ;
2. End areas: Fountain Square, Meifeng Sports Park,Huandong Romantic Coastal Line .
(2) Swimming stage route
The swimming course is 1.9 kilometers long, starting from the beach opposite the fountain square of the Meifeng Sports Park in the Huandong Romantic Coastal Line, marching 475 meters to the sea first, turning left after the turning point to return to the turning area before the starting point, swimming 2 laps in total, a total mileage of 1.9 kilometers. The track is approximately a "one" shape track, and after landing, run across the lawn to the transition area.
(3) Bicycle stage route
The bicycle course is 90 kilometers long. After completing the swimming stage and passing through the transition area, the athletes will start riding north along the sea side and circle to Binhai East Avenue, and turn back 500 meters in front of the Bingzhou Bridge. After turning back, ride back to the transition area. One lap is 30 km and requires 3 laps of cycling. There are two supply stations in the bicycle track, which are located at the Bauhinia Night Running Park and the Zhongzhou Bridge.
(4) Route of running stage
The running track is 21.1 kilometers long. After finishing the cycling stage and passing through the transition area, the athletes run 2.625 km south along the sea-side track to the mangrove trestle road, and then return to the return area near the finish line. One lap mileage of 5.25 km, run 4 laps. The running track is equipped with 2 resupply stations, which are about 1-1.5 km apart.